Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gutter In the Gutter...Everything has a beginning

Welcome to Gutter in the Gutter. It is my new blog that I have created to basically do one thing... put my random, completely unimpeded thoughts on record for all to read. OK maybe not all, but at least the ones that I feel ready for it.
I am not one who is able to really filter my own words, but I do understand tact. I believe that injustice happens, but it is a matter of fighting the battles that you believe in and the ones you can win. So from time to time, I may bore you with some of my views, political and non-political, but just understand, I am a die hard liberal who believes that it is OK to not always show both sides of an issue. I understand that sometimes it is not always needed to be fair to both sides.
Now as for myself, who am I?

I am a 29 year old man who is married (this is where I am supposed to tell you how wonderful she is, but you will find out through my writings) with no kids. I own my own home, I have a job, and am still in school. I am the definition of getting by. But in this, I am able to experience some of the things that I normally would not be able to had I been some sort of success story. I am able to experience both the happiness of the average middle class citizen, and frustrations of the average American who is having problems making ends meet. This, while conflicting in ideology, is a chance to understand how I got here and where I am planning on going.

So instead of boring you with my constant ramblings of my self, I will jump from place to place, topic to topic in the hopes of someday making you smile, cry, throw something, or just plain think.

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